Image: Vitruvian Man by Leonardo Da Vinci
An Endless Path
Self-mastery is a journey; not a destination. It is an endless process of learning, reflection, observation, and refinement. Even those whom we would consider as masters would agree that they have not arrived. Once you begin, let go of any notion of arriving or achieving some exalted state. It doesn't exist. Those who we consider as masters are just much further down the road than you and I. Their brilliance helps to illuminate our own path and demonstrate what is possible. The path of self-mastery is neither straight nor smooth, but wrought with twists, obstacles, setbacks, and frustrations. Yet, these very challenges are what make the journey an adventure. They are the gems that hide in plain site and make the process so rewarding.
Self-Mastery begins with the knowledge of oneself or self-awareness. The phrase, "Know Thyself" written on the Temple of Apollo at Delphi is probably the single greatest piece of advice passed down through history. How can we possibly begin the journey of self-mastery if we don't even know our starting point- ourselves? Our habit is to look outside of ourselves for answers and validation. We observe our world and react to it rather than observe ourselves and act upon it. Beginning the journey of self-mastery with self-awareness enables us to respond to our world from a place of authenticity, strength and wisdom. This is the bedrock upon which the path is paved.
The term "self-centered" often has a negative connotation that denotes egoism and selfishness. Yet in the context of self-mastery, someone who is self-centered or "centered in themselves" moves and acts from a place of stability, balance, and power. From this place, conscious choice and responsibility (i.e. the ability to respond) succeed egotistical, selfish, fearful and reactive behavior. Centeredness is both a physical and mental state. When we move from our physical center, we move with ease, grace and power. When our mind is centered, we can observe from a place of calmness and objectivity; undisturbed by the volatility around us. From a place of centeredness we can then choose an appropriate response to the challenges inherent along our path.
Mindfulness is an awareness or attention to the present moment. It is both mindfulness of ourselves and how we relate to our world. Though its origins may be Buddhist or Hindu, the actual practice of mindfulness is both relevant, practical, and secular to our path of self-mastery. Essentially, mindfulness is the practice of being aware and present to whatever arises in this moment without judgement. Mindfulness is usually practiced as a form of meditation. But any moment to which you bring your complete, objective attention is an act of mindfulness. As seekers on the path of self-mastery, our challenge is to move along this path, moment to moment, with as much mindfulness as possible.
Much of the work on the path of self mastery involves separating the wheat from the chaff. That is, knowing what is essential and what is not. Like the sculptor who chips away the stone to reveal her art, we chip away at what is inessential, trivial, complicated and limiting in ourselves to reveal or own brilliance. Its a subtractive process-a letting go of what doesn't serve us so that we can focus on and strengthen what does. Masters make their craft look easy because they have spent a lifetime removing the excess and inessential so that what remains is pure, simple, unfettered and self-evident. "Less is more" is an axiom befitting the process of self-mastery for it describes the refinement that occurs as we become more self-aware, centered, and mindful. We require less to achieve more.
All the work that we do on this endless path develops a sense of freedom from not only the obstacles that lie along our way but also ourselves. The apparent obstacles are still there but we see and respond to them with a greater sense of calm, stability and equanimity. The obstacles lose their emotional charge and we can observe and act from a more empowered place in ourselves. Eventually, we realize that the only real obstacle in our way is ourselves- our own limiting thoughts and actions.
Self-awareness has brought to light these limiting thoughts and behaviors as well as our strengths and unique gifts. Centeredness allows us to remain calm, stable and powerful. With mindfulness we observe without judgement the obstacles in front of us and respond rather than react. The refinement and cultivation of simplicity has stripped away the non-essentials. What's left is freedom- freedom from our compulsions and limiting beliefs and the freedom to choose how we respond.
Masters seems to defy the odds, break the rules and operate at a level beyond our own. In fact, they have just cultivated these qualities and in turn their own freedom to a much greater degree. This ability and subsequent freedom is within us all. It is your commitment to your own path of self-mastery that will determine how free you are.