This site is an exercise in integration- combining martial, and somatic principles of movement and being with business and life experiences to provide a framework for developing self-mastery. It is a synthesis of my experiences as a marital artist, and yogi. My study of the arts of Aikido, Tai Chi and Yoga have helped me progress along my own path of self-mastery and in turn have revealed a way by which you can benefit from the timeless wisdom that these arts have to offer.
Martial principles of movement and being are not just for those of us who study martial arts, but also for anyone who seeks self-mastery. For example, proper breathing helps one not only execute a throw or strike, but also deal with stress. The ability to yield is just as important when trying to neutralize a verbal attack from an angry business client as when trying to neutralize a physical attack from an opponent on the mat. Balance, keeping yours while taking your opponents, is both a martial and a life skill. These are just a few of the many principles and concepts I’ll explore here.
The Wisdom of the Body
The body is the most accessible instrument we all have to understand both ourselves and our world. It’s an expression of our thoughts and beliefs. Thoughts of anger or resistance manifest as muscular tension, stress, high blood pressure, shallow breathing and other limiting physical responses. Likewise, thoughts such as allowing, acceptance, yielding, harmonizing, openness or cooperation produce their respective physical responses of relaxation, calmness, spatial awareness, flexibility, and strength. When we recognize these physical expressions, we can then investigate the thoughts and beliefs that created them. Subsequently, we can choose a more effective and self-empowering response and act upon rather than react to our environment. The body does not lie. We just have to learn to listen to it.
“There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy.”
The Master Inherent In Us All
Mastery is not a level reserved just for those whom we see as special, gifted, or enlightened. We all harbor the seed of mastery. Those whom we consider as masters have cultivated it much more than the rest of us. Most of us don't even allow that seed of potential to see the light of day.
If you cannot master yourself, then you cannot master the circumstances of your life. Self-Mastery is the ability to conduct our self, irrespective of any formal authority, validation or circumstance. When our thoughts and actions originate from a place of self-awareness, centeredness, calmness, compassion and authenticity, we are walking the path of self-mastery. We become like the eye of the hurricane- still amidst the turmoil around us. This is magnetic. We are naturally attracted to someone who embodies such qualities. Some call it charisma but I consider it our natural state. By mastering yourself, you influence the circumstances and people in your life to align with you.
Some of the greatest masters I know have been my martial arts and yoga teachers. They control a room with ease. They move with grace and fluidity. They express power and authority while showing compassion to those less capable. It is from their example and my personal experience that I bring these insights to you. I hope you will join me on this journey of self-discovery and self-mastery.
To Your Success,
Sameer Sharma
“Would you have a great empire? Rule over yourself.”